Bato’s Uprising
Bato’s statement about what caused The Uprising:
From The Bosnian Wikipedia: ”Antički historičar Strabon navodi da nakon što je Baton zarobljen na teritoriji Dalmata, Tiberije je navodno upitao Batona i Dezitijate zašto su se pobunili a Baton je odgovorio: ”Vi Rimljani ste sami krivi jer ste poslali vukove da čuvaju vaša stada a ne pastire.” (prema Dionu Kasiju) Baton je odveden u Rim, po običaju prema kojem su se poražene vođe pokazivali kao trofeji a ostatak života je proveo u Raveni, Italija[2]. ”
Which translates to: ”Ancient historian Strabon quotes that after Bato was captured at the territory of the Delmatae, Tiberius reportedly asked Baton and the Desitiates why they rebelled and Baton replied: ”You Romans are yourself to blame because you sent wolves to keep your herds and not herdsmen”. (According to Dion Cassius) Baton was taken to Rome, according to the custom that the defeated leaders displayed as trophies and spent the rest of his life in Ravenna, Italy [2].”